Frequently Asked Questions for Volunteers

What does the trip cost & what does it includes?

The trip cost includes everything from the minute you arrive in El Salvador: lodging, food, water, ground transportation, and a free day of activity.  The approximate cost of the mission is $1,300.

How do participants pay for the mission?

Our volunteers typically pay for their trip themselves or fundraising from friends and family. There will be two payment deadlines. At the time of the first deadline, the first half of your trip cost will be due. The total trip cost is due two months prior to our date of departure.

How often do teams travel to the David V. King Medical Centre and how long is the trip?

Teams typically travel every three months, set to start in early 2016.  A mission trip is eight days and normally depart Saturday and return the following Sunday.

Question of safety throughout the trip?

While there are inherent risks associated with traveling abroad, safety is Medical Mission International’s and Fundacion Mision Medica, El Salvador’s top priority. Our in-country team takes precautions to ensure that your mission experience is a safe one. We have had zero reported safety issues and we will continue to implement stringent security measures.

What happens after I submit my application?

After we receive your application, we will reach out to you providing information regarding the deadline, payment, documents and licenses required to travel and let you know you have been accepted to the team. Once placed on a team, you will take part in a mandatory virtual pre-trip training prior to trip departure. This will include cultural topics, medical preparations, role, procedures and regulations. Our team will continue to communicate following the deadline to ensure that everyone stays up to date on trip preparations and management alongside the team leader.

Watch Video from our latest Mission (January 2017)

*Please note: The video may take a few minutes to load, depending on your Internet speed.

For Medical Mission based inquires:

Maeve Schulz, U.S. based Mission director